Helping Men Successfully Manage the Complexities of Life
Life is challenging. It is demanding. It is complex. While life on earth yields opportunity and joy, it is layered with stress and pain.
The general reason for life’s challenges is twofold. Firstly, we live in a dark world. Although our world is physically beautiful, it is hostile and hampered with hate. This world is the dwelling place for evil. Satan and his team of demons reside here. These spiritual forces of wickedness are aimed at one thing; to inflict maximum misery upon man through deception, persecution, and false enterprises.
Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Secondly, man is complicated. We are all unique. We have varying temperaments and different strengths. We are also very broken. Man by nature is inclined to sin. Even after Christ intervenes, we can be prideful, selfish, manipulative, and needy. Family hurts can disrupt our character. Emotional scars can impair our judgments. We are sometimes confident. We are sometimes insecure. We are even at times afraid.
The encouraging truth is, even with our sin and the devil’s schemes, God is sovereign over all things. While unfathomable to human reason, it is nevertheless true, the LORD is in total control of every event that ever occurs.
“God works in all things according to the counsel of His will.” Ephesians 1:11
God is the creator of all things. He rules over all things. He upholds every atom; from the atom in an eyelash to the fastest atom in the furthest galaxy. He governs space and time. He gives man life. God assigns His grace. God works through every action, good or bad, for the ultimate fulfillment of His pure purposes and the very best for His people. Every event in a person’s life occurs because God either wills, causes, or allows that event to occur. There is nothing that can thwart God’s plans.
Yet, even in the comfort of God’s good-working sovereignty, navigation through this life is a complicated endeavor.
“Now to God who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or imagine, according to the power at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20
Gaining Christ helps men successfully manage the complexities of life. We help men better understand themselves, their sin, and their God-given purposes. We help men make critical decisions and solve complicated problems. We help men find wisdom when hardship strikes from the providential hand of their loving God. We are not psychologists nor licensed counselors. We are biblically trained pastors, versed in this demanding and deceptive and spurious world.