Helping Men to Live Righteously
The second aim of Gaining Christ is helping men to live righteously. To live righteously means to live a holy life in obedience to God. It is a set apart, God-pleasing life. Every believer in Christ is unequivocally called by God to righteousness.
“God has not called us to impurity, but to holiness.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7
It is imperative to understand, however, that living a holy life is not the cause of a person’s relationship with God. It is the result. In other words, while God has called every believer to holiness, the believer’s obedience is not the basis for his right standing with God. Nor, is it the reason for his entry into Heaven. The perfection of Jesus accomplished that. Holiness is a believer’s glad response to God as a result of his spiritual rebirth in Christ.
Furthermore, we must realize that living a righteous life is not easy. It is hard. It is a fight. It hard because the flesh is weak and susceptible to sin. It is a fight because of the myriad temptations in our fast moving, materialistic, increasingly seductive, visually communicating, technologically driven, “you deserve it” world.
“The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.” Titus 2:11-12
The good news is, despite the weakness of our flesh and the rampant offerings of sin, God has equipped the believer to truly walk in holiness.
In Christ, a person is a “new man.” He is born again. He is no longer imprisoned to his flesh nor controlled by sin. He has been set free. He has a new heart, new nature, and new motivation. He is indwelt by the Holy Spirit who guides him in righteousness. As a result, the believer is fully able to reject any sin in favor of pleasing God. And, if and when he does turn in sin, God in love will convict the believer, press him to repentance, and then return him back joyful to God’s holy ways.
“You must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.” Romans 6:11
Gaining Christ is very committed to helping men earnestly pursue righteousness through a maturing walk in the Lord Jesus Christ.